Forever in Love with Earrings
Earrings have always been my favorite piece of jewelry. From the vintage silver danglers I found at a flea market when I was 15 and wore all through high school, to the pair of textured leaves I made in my first silversmithing class. Over the past ten years I've made countless pairs of earrings...even though I have to make two of everything, they're twice as much work, and more costly to make, I just love making them. My favorites always combine the elements of balance, soft texture, and movement, often with pops of color via the one of a kind stones I use.
Here are a handful of pairs I added to the shop recently. Glowing pieces of Prehnite, (one pair with Lapis) softly curved and textured leaves, and lots of movement.

If you've been around here for a little while you may
have noticed that I like to
make big earrings...Don't be afraid of big earrings!
They look great on everyone.

Glowing drops of Prehnite, and the soft
curve of the leaves lets them really catch the light beautifully.

These smaller ones with the two leaves, have a nice substantial size,
without being too big. For all my ladies with more sensitive ears,
and those who don't love a really big earring, but want
something that still makes a statement.

Dear Lapis, I love you...

The next few pairs have sold already, but they're a
part of the family and I don't want to leave them out.